Thursday 29 May 2014


Yesterday I went to Shinjuku to find the Angelic Pretty shop, I spent two hours looking for it before I asked someone and they said it was in this department store I'd been walking past the whole time. But! It was really interesting, I got a really nice but expensive skirt and the whole floor was all just lolita gear and the floor below too. I also went to Tokyu Hands which was cool, I got some Totoro things and stamp and letter set. Then I came back to the hostel and had a nap and when I woke up Nancy told me a bunch of them were going to watch this free jazz concert at another hostel so we went to do that and it was really good! After that me and Nancy went to this cheap Italian restaurant and had 2 (pretty small) pizzas, 4 desserts and potato wedgies! It was really cheap and we're really greedy! Then we went to this other cheap shop right next door to get some kitkats and then we went home. Today we're going to go to the Pokémon centre (again) and Shinjuku park.

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