Friday 23 May 2014

First Night

So I got lost looking for the station but it was okay, eventually I found it! I went to Akihabara because why not and it was so busy there. Then I went to a maid café. I wasn't planning to do that today but I was really hungry and also I was curious, so I went there and it was the most creepy thing I've ever experienced, not that it was an obvious creepy. So there's loads of girls dressed up as maids advertising the cafés on the street. The buildings are divided into floors so this building had floors 2&3 as maid cafés and the upstairs ones were comic shop/internet café and I actually wanted to go to the comic shop but this maid at the front kind of chased me to the elevator and was like "aa you're going to the maid café??? aaaa amazing!" and I was like "um yeah" and then she told me the floor and waited until I pushed the button and then it went up and as soon as the lift doors opened this blast of shrill high pitched voices hit you. So I went in and there was one maid that could speak English so she explained to me how it worked (1 hour stay maximum, 500yen on the table) and then she performed the 'welcome ceremony' which was making heart signs with your hands and then blowing an electric candle and it lit up. Also if I wanted to order I had to make my hands look like paws and say "Nyan~Nyan~" so it took awhile before I could order because I just kept laughing. I only ordered orange juice and some cream cheese but it was really expensive, also when the order arrives you have to do some cute thing, like making your hands into heart shape or something with the maid. Anyway got up to pay and they asked me if I wanted a photo but that costs about 500yen so I said "Next time, I'll come again soon" and then they started acting really excited and now I have a membership card. I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon. I can imagine it being fun if you're with other people but on your own it's just weird. Anyway! I came back to the station and got lost trying to find the hotel but I ended up by a ramen shop so I decided to have dinner and then I asked the people there where I was and one guy led the way for me all the way here! People are nice and I get lost a lot.

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