Sunday 11 May 2014


In the morning Masako cut my hair and now I look super cool! So today was my day off so I went to kairakuen park! 偕楽園。It was very pretty and peaceful!

And I went into the Kobuntei 好文亭 and it was very beautiful! Wonderful views and lovely rooms. I also met some nice people from Yokohama on a Mitsubishi company outing!

Afterwards I had nattou icecream! 納豆アイス! Nattou is fermented beans from the Ibariki prefecture, especially from Mito and it's normally served with rice or sushi but I quite like it as icecream!

Then I went back into Mito and got lunch, I had curry from Indian café and it was quite nice, I wish that I'd gotten ramen though! Then I went to the book shop and got Hetalia volume 5! I also saw a lot of Moomin merchandise!

 Then I made my way home. When I was walking back to the house I saw a man gardening so I sad hello and he said hi back and then he gave me a lamented train timetable for no reason but it was really kind of him! Everyone I've met have been so nice and kind, it's so refreshing from England! So then I came back home and wrote a letter which I'm going to send tomorrow and I booked a capsule hotel in Tokyo for my last 12 days! I'm excited to stay in a capsule hotel!

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