Thursday 15 May 2014


So I was prepared for cultural differences but now I'm gonna list some I wasn't expecting!

The toilets! So aside from the toilets being smaller the seats also have heating so they're always warm, also there's a lot of buttons which confused me a bit. Also the public toilets are like this:

And I'm still not sure the correct direction to squat but oh well!

Food! Miso soup! So every meal has miso soup with it, usually. Which is nice because it's yummy but I wasn't expecting it. Also Nattou (納豆) so Nattou is the areas specialty and it's fermented beans, it's yummy! But this morning we were having Nattou with rice and then there was an egg which I thought was boiled but it was raw! and you mix it with the rice and Nattou, I could only eat half!

Trays! So at shops and super markets instead of handing the money directly to the cashier you place it in a little tray by the till which is more hygienic I suppose. On that note, after you have payed for you shopping (at the super market) you'll be giving it back in the basket and there's a place for packing with little bags and tape and boxes, I guess so it's more time efficient.

Drinking! The legal drinking age in Japan is 20 but yesterday we went to and Izakaya and I drank beer and they didn't ask for ID because I was a foreigner so it was okay, also Masako was with me. You don't need your passport all the time for ID which is good.

Nice people! So I was expecting people to be polite because Japan is known for it but everyone is so kind and really super polite. Examples! When I was walking home from the station the other day a man saw me and called me over to give me a timetable for the trains! Every time I'm introduced to someone they always like "Oh her Japanese is so good!" and "Wow blue eyes!" "She's so pretty!" which never happens to me in England. Also at the Izakaya we were talking to the owner who was serving and she made us some sushi and it was vegetables for me because I'm vegetarian and she gave us food and then Masako's husband said that he'd pay! Everyone is really nice!

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