Thursday 29 May 2014


Yesterday I went to Shinjuku to find the Angelic Pretty shop, I spent two hours looking for it before I asked someone and they said it was in this department store I'd been walking past the whole time. But! It was really interesting, I got a really nice but expensive skirt and the whole floor was all just lolita gear and the floor below too. I also went to Tokyu Hands which was cool, I got some Totoro things and stamp and letter set. Then I came back to the hostel and had a nap and when I woke up Nancy told me a bunch of them were going to watch this free jazz concert at another hostel so we went to do that and it was really good! After that me and Nancy went to this cheap Italian restaurant and had 2 (pretty small) pizzas, 4 desserts and potato wedgies! It was really cheap and we're really greedy! Then we went to this other cheap shop right next door to get some kitkats and then we went home. Today we're going to go to the Pokémon centre (again) and Shinjuku park.

Wednesday 28 May 2014


Today I've just been to Shibuya and did a bit of shopping, the manga is so cheap here (100yen for 1 book). I walked around a bit but it was just too hot for me so I came back to the hostel and now I'm just about to make some lunch. Something that I thought was funny in the book shop is that they have all the manga and you'll be looking along and then suddenly you'll get to the adult section and there's no warning or anything, you're just looking at some cute manga and then suddenly hentai. Amazing.

In the evening I went Akiba!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Disney Sea

Disney Sea was really fun! We got the after 6 passports so it was cheaper but we still went on a couple of rides and the Indiana Jones one was really good! They also had a lot of weird flavours of popcorn, Malcom had some curry flavoured one and we all shared some milk tea one! We also saw some soda flavoured but we didn't try that one. We went back and went to a restaurant/café right by the hostel. Getting a decent meal in Japan is really cheap because what they consider fast food is a proper meal to me, so I had some stir fried vegetables and rice for under £6 which was delicious. Then we got icecreams from the family mart and I had a red bean and green tea one. Then sleep!

Monday 26 May 2014


Something I forgot to mention before was that at Mt. Fuji I saw a women who had a pug dressed up in little clothes and also had a pram for it, and it was a pram specifically designed for pets and I thought it was kind of funny and strange! So today I woke up, went to the post office to send some postcards, did a bit of shopping for food, came back and had breakfast and afterwards the lady I met yesterday gave me some medicine and mask for my cold! Now I'm waiting for Nancy and Shenine to get up because we're going to arrange a time to meet to go to Disney Land together!

Gotta catch 'em all

Today I woke up pretty late but I feel like my cold is improving so yay! I went to the Pokémon centre and spent many watermelons there.

It was also right opposite the Tokyo World Trade Centre which I thought was funny because they was so close.

Then I went to Akihabara! It was fun and I went to a bunch of comic shops.

Then I came back and had dinner and met this really cool game dev from Poland! He showed me an early version of the game he's developing and when I get back I'm going to get access to the beta! I also met a lady from Taiwan who's coming to England next year so we exchanged facebook so that we could meet up or something! It's been relaxing and nice today!

Sunday 25 May 2014

Mt. Fuji

Wow today has been very long and eventful. I woke up at 3:30am to go and see the fish markets with the person on the top bunk of the bunk bed so we went but it was a holiday today so she's going to go again tomorrow but I don't think I can wake up that early really! So instead we decided to go to Mount Fuji! It was really expensive to get there on the train and then it cost extra for the bus to actually go up it but it was worth it! Really awesome views!

Here I am squatting in the snow with shorts like a big tourist.

Also all the Japanese people were going through these tunnels and I don't know why but it looked kind of fun.

I ate Mt. Fuji!

When we came back down we went to the lake and it was really beautiful!

Then I went up the cable car to get an even better view!

Afterwards we went back and got on the bus for Tokyo and it got caught in traffic so we ended up on the bus for 5 hours when it should've been 2-3. But eventually I made it back and had dinner and also met a girl from Bristol who seems very nice! Tomorrow I think I will go to the Pokémon centre and Akihabara again!