Tuesday 17 June 2014


My flight on Monday was at 10am so we arrived at about 7:30 and had breakfast at the airport, Ry had chicken udon and I had some smoothie thing that was too big. Then I went through and the flight was quite good, I slept through most of it but I remember the air hostess stepping on the chairs to reach the bagged locker things which was funny. I watched some episodes of 'Parks and Rec' and then arrived in Hong Kong.

Here is Rachel the Panda enjoying some Crème brûlée ice cream in Hong Kong airport. At the airport I noticed some of the people from the Hong Kong department of health randomly checking people's temperatures with this little machine.

I went to the gate for my flight to London but I fell asleep and I woke up to someone asking me if I was Mark, to which I said no, and then noticed that my flight was boarding so it was quite good timing. The flight to London was pretty smooth, I slept through most of it and watched 2 episodes of the new game of thrones series. Then I arrived and phoned to see where my mum was at and she was actually on the motorway but only 10 minutes away which was fine. Then I came home and now I'm writing this! Thus concludes my epic journey. Tune in next time where I'll be discussing the most efficient way to peel a potato. So long!

Sydney SuperNova 2014

So on Friday, Saturday and Sunday there was Sydney SuperNova (like comiccon) and Ry had a table there to sell his prints so I helped! We sold his prints and I walked around and brought some stuff and met some cool people! We had fun dressing up too! On Friday I wore my fancy skirt, on Saturday I wore a deer stalker hat and on Sunday we were both zombies! There were loads of awesome cosplayers as well! It was a lot of fun! Here are some photos!

Jar Jug!

On Thursday we went to a town where I was catching the train from and had lovely breakfast and I had a really trendy smoothie out of a jar jug!

Then I got the train and met Ry, we went to the bank and library and found out my Dad's account had been closed and I couldn't hand his library card into that library but we got the Mighty Boosh live dvd from the library so that was cool. We played Bioshock Infinite and watched the Mighty Boosh live and brought some pasta parcels so we cooked it and ate it while watching 'Across the Universe' which was an odd film but cool. Day well spent.

Leura and Katoomba!

On Wednesday me, Maizy and James (Maizy's friend) went to Leura and Katoomba where we looked around at all the cool little shops and just chilled. Here are some photos of us doing that!

Then we went to this cool café/restaurant where the ceiling was pretty and I had an awesome tofu/cheese/salad sandwich which was delicious!

Then we decided to get some wine and cheese and watch the Mighty Boosh back at home so went to this giant alcohol shop where they had an impressive range of fancy bottles!

We got some really nice cheese and had some wine and watched the Mighty Boosh and then fell asleep, here are some photos of the house!

Blue Mountains

On Tuesday I got the train to the Blue Mountains in the evening, the morning and afternoon were spent sleep, playing video games and packing. I arrived at about 7pm and met with Tim and Gilbert who were out tracking a train down which Gilbert had lost his phone on. We went to the house and had delicious tortellini and I said hello to people. I was so tired that I just went to bed at about 9:30 and that was Tuesday!

Monday 9 June 2014


On Monday we were originally supposed to see Godzilla at the I-max but when we got there it was sold out, and it was the Queen's Birthday so a lot of things were closed! But we went and had ice cream and sushi which was nice and we saw 'Maleficent' in 3D at a normal cinema which was okay. Then we walked around for a bit then went home and played Bioshock!


On Sunday we dressed up in fancy clothes and went to the Aquarium! But before that we went through China Town and this lady asked us for a photo for her daughter's photography school project which was weird! Then we had udon and it was yummy then went to the book shop and I saw some expensive books I can't afford. Then we went to the aquarium! It was really cool there! As we were walking around we found a crustation on the floor, I think she was lost, so we picked her up and gave her to a member of staff and we got free popcorn in return! We saw all the fish and things and then we came out and walked around for a bit. It was the last day of the lights festival so there were fireworks but we were getting bubble tea while they were going off so we missed the best of it but we could still smell it. Then we had tempura which was nice but a bit dry, then we went to an arcade where Ry knew some people who worked there, then we went home!


On Saturday we went to the shopping centre and I got my hair dyed! Unfortunately I can't find my cable for my phone so I can't upload photos at the moment but I will when I find it! Anyway it's a purpley-red colour. We then came home and watched Game of Thrones series 3 and played Bioshock Infinite we I'm still really enjoying, it's a really nice game!

Friday 6 June 2014


Today we relaxed and played video games in the day (worms and mario kart 8) and then in the evening we went to get pancakes and see the light show in the city! It was really pretty, I'm gonna upload some pictures later!

Thursday 5 June 2014


On Wednesday I woke up and spent ages looking for my key card before finding it under my sheets. I checked out and stuck around for a bit in the hostel then made my way to the airport. It took about 2 hours or so to get there by train and I still got there with loads of time to spare so I went to a restaurant and had my last omelette rice and read some of my book. Then I checked in and went to the gate, I bought some kit kats with my last couple hundred yen and went on the giant plane! It had an upstairs and then flight was so empty that pretty much everyone had a row to themselves to sleep on, I watched 2 episodes of game of thrones and went to sleep. When I woke up there was some food waiting for me so I ate and then we descended into Sydney! I went through and called Ry but he was late because they'd closed a tunnel and it was raining really strongly! We went to the house and ate some toast with egg and then I went and had a nap while he worked on some designs. When I woke up we went to the shopping centre and got some crepes, I had cheese and he had seafood. Then we went to Woolworths to buy some food and it's just a supermarket here. Then we came back and watched some mighty boosh! We picked his mum up from the station and then watched the rest of the disc and ate some noodles. Then we played Bioshock Infinite! It's really cool and we just finished playing because Ry's a bit ill and tired and it's pretty late! I think I will sleep now too!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Last Night

On my last day in Tokyo I went to the Ueno Park Science Museum, the National Museum was closed that day for maintenance but I really liked the science museum! And I went in a 360 films dome thing which was cool! After the museum I went to this bakery I went to a couple nights ago but didn't buy anyway but this time I got a cheese roll, a danish pastry and a doughnut thing which were nice. Then I went back to the park and just sat on a bench and ate them, there were a lot of school trips going on. Then I went back to the hostel and sorted out my stuff and started to pack. In the evening me and Nancy went up the Mori Tower which was cool, it was a pretty hazy night but it was still cool! We went on the open air roof bit which was funky. Then we just looked around the big viewing area inside and then went to have green tea shakes at starbucks and then went back and had rice at this café near the hostel. It was a nice evening! I packed all ready and set my alarms. When I woke up I was all ready until I realised I didn't have my keycard for the room, which I needed for my deposit, which I needed for my train fair, which I needed to get to the airport. So I spent a good half an hour panicking and going through my packed things before finding it under my sheets. But I found it which is really awesome! So now I'm just chilling in the lobby and I might go and get some food in a bit and then make my way to the airport! And then Australia! I'm really excited!

Monday 2 June 2014


Today I went to the Ghibli Museum! Yay! It was really fun and interesting there, you couldn't take photos of the museum inside but I got some outside. There was also a 15 minute short film that you can only see in the museum and it's different each day, I got to see Mei and the cat bus (from 'My neighbour totoro') it was really cute! Then I stopped of at Nakano on the way and went into Mandarake which was cool. I also went in a women only carriage on the train, there were men in there anyway because it wasn't rush hour but yeah. I had pizza with Nancy and I also had fried pasta because I thought I should try it but I didn't really like it.